The Las Vegas cannabis industry is revered as the Gold Standard of cannabis legalization. From the outside looking in, you can’t help but agree. For those enthralled in this community, however, it’s more plated-gold than the real thing. The state could be doing more for the money-making industry, especially as COVID has brought a complete stop to the city’s revenue. Regardless, we still fight for the same privileges as our counterparts while trying to create an industry that truly caters to the consumers it profits from. Luckily for Las Vegas, some cannabis activists are looking to solve the problems at the source.

The Las Vegas Chamber of Cannabis held its first meeting early in October to connect cannabis pundits with those running for various positions. From judges to County Commissioner, The Den hosted the event to create a conversation around key issues in the local cannabis industry. As it’s said, we enter local politics as a result of being unhappily married. Let’s hope the chamber can fix this plated-gold matrimony. The Chamber of Cannabis, by Tina Ulman, Dani Baranowski, Shelby Stanley, and Ashley Ciliberti is a non-profit dedicated to uniting the cannabis industry and fostering more inclusivity. Their first meeting aimed to solve issues by interacting with those who have a direct effect on not only the industry but the community as well.