C of C LV
Las Vegas, Nevada ––– The Chamber of Cannabis Board of Directors has appointed Dani Baranowski as Interim Executive Director, effective March 13, 2024.
“Our industry is facing some of the most challenging issues to date. Now, more than ever, it is critical that the cannabis industry unites to ensure survival, stability, and growth on all fronts.” said Baranowski. “We have implemented a strategic plan for 2024 which requires specific financial responsibilities to be met and overall organizational health to sustain our industry’s success, especially during this challenging economic environment.”
Nevada’s cannabis sales peaked at 1 billion dollars in 2021 and have been declining since. As businesses encounter intensive regulation, hefty taxation, and a turbulent economic climate, the Chamber’s mission is to advocate for sustainable business opportunities, restore justice, and positively impact the community. The Chamber of Cannabis represents a membership base of over 400 businesses and professionals and a network of 12,000 individuals who strive to build a more inclusive and thriving industry.
“As Vice President, co-founder, and small cannabis business owner, my deep understanding of the organization’s goals, governance, and the challenges members face are my priority as I work under the direction of the Board to ensure the important work of the Chamber will continue uninterrupted.”
The Chamber has achieved notable milestones, including championing legislative reforms such as consumption lounge legalization, cannabis DUI reform, and SB277, which increased cannabis purchase limits, and more recently taking part in regulatory workshops to reduce the cost of agent cards, increasing delivery limits, and allowing dispensaries new potential revenue streams by selling non-infused food/drinks.
Supporting its mission to advocate for sustainable business opportunities, restore justice, and positively impact the community, the Chamber has made changes in the past several months to improve its offerings to connect members.
Going forward, association meetings are free to provide valuable information to as many industry professionals and members as possible. The Chamber will be hosting upcoming round tables with political leaders running for the offices of Mayor, City Council, State Senate, and Assembly, as well as upcoming association meetings in Reno and Las Vegas.
As a membership driven organization, continued commitment to supporting the Chamber’s mission will proactively enable this important work to progress. To find out more about getting involved or becoming a member, visit https://cofclv.org.
2020-2025 @ All Rights Reserved CofC LV