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Cultivating Progressive Solutions for Cannabis Legislation


Join us for The Chamber of Cannabis Innovation Lab! Offering a dynamic and collaborative environment where Chamber of Cannabis members can propose, refine, and advocate for progressive and effective cannabis policies.

Membership and Participation

The Innovation Lab is open to ALL members of the Chamber of Cannabis, including business owners, legal experts, researchers, and other stakeholders in the cannabis industry.


There will be physical meeting spaces as well as a digital platform to facilitate collaboration, discussion, and document sharing.

Working Groups

The lab will consist of specialized working groups focusing on different aspects of cannabis policy, such as medical research, regulation, economic impact, social justice, and sustainability.

Program Phases:

  • Ideation: Members submit policy proposals and ideas for discussion.
  • Refinement: Collaborative workshops and expert consultations to refine proposals.
  • Advocacy Training: Provide resources and training on policy advocacy and lobbying. 
  • Policy Pitch Sessions: Members will present refined policies to a panel of experts and industry leaders.

The Innovation Lab Will:

  • Develop well-researched and innovative cannabis policies.
  • Empower members in policy advocacy.
  • Increase visibility and influence of the Chamber of Cannabis in the policy arena.
  • Build a network of professionals dedicated to advancing the cannabis industry.


  • Policymakers: State legislators, regulatory agency representatives, and local government officials will be invited.
  • Industry Leaders: Chamber members from various sectors of the cannabis industry.
  • Experts: Legal experts, researchers, and advocacy group leaders will attend the lab to share valuable insight.

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