Welcome to the Chamber’s Innovation Lab! This four-part, iterative series is designed to inform our association’s strategy and priorities for Nevada’s 83rd Legislative Session.
As a 501(c)6 non-profit industry trade association, the Chamber’s purpose is to represent the business interests of our members. Member input is the foundation from which the Innovation Lab is built and is the driving force behind the Chamber’s advocacy with policymakers and regulators.
YOUR City | YOUR State | YOUR Cannabis | YOUR CHAMBER
As Nevada’s most inclusive cannabis industry trade association, we recognize that mutual support and collaboration across diverse groups– and across party lines – is necessary to drive the industry forward.
The Chamber has created this guide to educate Nevada voters on which candidates are supportive of sensible cannabis policy. Click here to request your copy!
The Cannabis Industry Voter Guide highlights pro-cannabis candidates running to represent Nevadans in the following races this General Election:
Exclusion from this Guide does not inherently mean that a candidate does not support sensible cannabis policy.
PHASE 4: YOUR Legislative Session
Drawing upon input received and insights gleaned in earlier phases, the Chamber will create and execute its strategy for the 83rd legislative session.
PHASE 1: Input on YOUR Industry
Over a 65-day period, Chamber business members and their employees were asked to provide feedback on the regulatory challenges and statutory limitations that are most detrimental to their ability to thrive. The input collected by Chamber staff and volunteers was then leveraged to inform the remainder of the Innovation Lab series.
Phase 1 provided key insight across three main categories (as illustrated in charts below) :
PHASE 2: Connecting with YOUR Candidates
Building off of the input collected in Phase 1, Chamber staff and volunteers contacted candidates running in select national, state, and local elections in Nevada using an online form that was made available for a period of three weeks.
In combination with form responses, the Chamber evaluated incumbent candidates’ voting history on cannabis-related issues to identify “cannabis-friendly” candidates to create the 2024 Nevada Cannabis Industry Voter Guide.
The Voter guide was created to educate Nevada voters and industry stakeholders on the candidates that support sensible cannabis policy.
The Chamber of Cannabis is a nonpartisan, 501(6)(c) non-profit association that exists to support the growth and transformation of the legal cannabis industry.
Curious who made the cut? Request a complimentary copy of the 2024 Nevada Cannabis Industry Voter Guide
Interested in incumbents with a proven commitment to legal cannabis? Check out this post in The Toke blog from the Chamber
PHASE 3: Prioritizing YOUR Policy Needs
After understanding our members’ “Why” in Phase 1 and identifying “who” will be in office during Phase 2, Phase 3 of the Innovation Lab will determine “What” the Chamber will prioritize and “How” it will catalyze meaningful change in 2025.
In addition to publishing key insights and summaries of stakeholder input, Phase 3 will produce several member resources and will include a public announcement of the Chamber’s priorities for Nevada’s 83rd Legislative Session.
2020-2025 @ All Rights Reserved CofC LV